20+ ways to Improve Your Health & Wellbeing to Feel Abundant
If you're seeking a change to feel abundant then use our tips to improve your health and wellbeing.
Ways to improve your health and wellbeing:
- Use fresh herbs, grown or foraged to make tea. You can use mint, rosemary, kawakawa, lavender, calendula, parsley, marigold, lemon balm & lemon verbena. Add a little honey or lemon for extra immune supporting properties.
- Join a co-op to order bulk organic dried goods. Eat seasonally, locally and be creative with what is abundant. Have you got pumpkins? You can make soup, curries, spiced loaf, pumpkin pie. Citrus? Juices, marmalade, lime pickle. Swap and share what you have.
- Preserve what is in season by making jams, bottled fruits, oils & vinegars.
- Have a green patch, a tub or bucket if need be that is filled with greens to add to soups and salads including kale, cavolo nero, parsley & coriander.
- Make kefir water for a natural probiotic.
- Take a little good quality salt under the tongue before meals and chew well to ensure you digest and absorb your food. Eat in a calm manner without meal time stress.
- Use a low cost staple a couple of times per week to make a yummy vegetarian dinner and extra for lunch. You can make use polenta to make a polenta bake or savoury herby chips, rice for rice bowls, curries, risottos & stir-fry’s. Use a small amount of good quality olive oil or local cheese to enhance a dish.
- Make a face mask just using honey and a good oil, or avocado and leave it on for twenty minutes.
- Use an organic sweet almond oil for oil cleansing and moisturising.
- Cut your soap into four and get a soap dish so your soap dries out between uses and lasts longer.
- Make a committed effort to walk, cycle, car/task share to reduce fuel costs, environmental impact and increase your exercise.
- Compost or worm farm your green waste and use the compost or castings to feed or fill up your green patch.
- Use essential oils and palo santo to fragrance your space and keep insects away. Avoid any artificial fragrances or insect repellents that can disrupt your endocrine system.
- Reduce your make up load and choose glass packaged products that enhance your best features that are cruelty free.
- Air out your house each day and have plants that improve air quality including peace lilies and mother tongue to reduce wi-fi impact and reduce mould in your home.
- Turn off your wi-fi at night and make sure your phone is out of your room so your energy body can heal and repair.
- Invest in dark refined sugar free chocolate and eat less, but enjoy it more.
- Build an organised natural first aid kit so that you have everything you need on hand rather than buying new things whenever needed.
- Take the time to meditate, do breath work, exercise, practice yoga to reduce your stress and improve your wellbeing. Three breaths can change a state of anxiety into a state of receptivity. Then creative opportunities can arise.
- Buy for beauty, form and function. Buy the best to last. Look after it and have less in your life.
- Be clear with your requests for gifts or when people ask what you need, be honest and choose something that supports your wellbeing or that could last a life time. Share gift expenses with friends and buy quality for each other that has a purpose, not just for the sake of it. Shop ceramics.
- Consider the life cycle of anything you purchase – where does this end up? Can you source it second hand, borrow or share a resource instead? Is this worth an investment or is a quick fix that could be better served by taking some more time?
Living a life of health and healing is rich and beneficial. You don’t need a lot of money to create a life that you love and are proud of you. Your wellbeing serves your family and community. Each one of us serves a purpose, is needed and loved so take the time to care for yourself and our mumma earth.
Remember there is enough and you are enough.