Nutrition on a budget - Tea & Tonic Matakana

Nutrition on a budget

In our Holistic Health tip series we answer questions that have been asked instore to help with wellness. This week's question is all about nutrition on a budget. 

I’d like to improve my nutrition, but how? I’m busy and I don’t have that much money to spend.

Try and make the basis of your meal seasonal vegetables & have everything else as a delicious (proportionally smaller) add-on.

Let vegetables be the main feature. This is something that you can prepare in advance.

Suggestions include:

  • A roast dish of vegetables that can be the basis of a salad the next day.
  • Growing greens & herbs and ensuring you garnish every meal with something fresh.
  • Making a big fresh salad with seasonal produce be it tomatoes, basil, fetta and nuts.
  • Enjoying a roast pumpkin, parsley, and pomegranate salad. 
  • A tabbouleh or quinoa salad with loads of freshly diced parsley, mint and tomatoes.
  • A green lentil salad with red onions, roasted almonds and fresh basil.
  • A delicious slow cooked seasonal soup like roasted carrot, cauliflower or lentil and roast vegetables.
  • Splash out on amazing condiments that go a long way. Condiments satisfy our taste needs, enhance digestions and satiation.

It’s worth investing in:

Protein sources to consider on the daily:

  • Consider once per week toasting a pan of nuts and seeds so you have a jar ready to sprinkle on to salads or porridge.
  • Making fresh nut mylks every three to four days to reduce packaging, increase protein intake + enjoy the incredible taste.
  • Having quinoa porridge for breakfast rather than oats.
  • Using lighter grains like quinoa, freekeh and buckwheat rather than rice.
  • Making home made hummus with plenty of tahini, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic.
  • Making dahl x 1 per week and having it with quinoa or rice, fresh greens, seeds and chutney. Dahl is great to freeze and is satisfying and delicious.
  • Eating 10 soaked and peeled almonds first thing in the morning or after training for protein and nutrition.
  • Eating only a little sustainable fish, good quality dairy and meat.

Most importantly enjoy your food, make time to chew well, slow down and take delight in supporting your local farmers market or even better fresh veggies and herbs from the garden.

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