Behind the Maryse Beauty Brand - Tea & Tonic Matakana

Behind the Maryse Beauty Brand

We got the pleasure of sitting down with skin guru Maryse O'Donnell to ask her some questions on her brand 'Maryse', life and insights. 

Maryse Skincare is a collection of nutritious formulations, created with plant-based and naturally potent ingredients to add to your daily skin ritual. With emphasis on botanical extracts and key phytonutrients such as omega fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, this is the perfect skincare line for keeping our skin fed in winter, and every season. 

It is always a happy moment for us when we learn a bit more about the cultivators behind the products and brands that we stock in store, as here at Tea & Tonic Matakana. We are all about close relationships, and one step closer to understanding one another is another step towards a peaceful world.  

What is a typical day for you?
The kids are early risers, so I spend the first part of the morning hanging out with them and getting them off to daycare. Then I take the dog for a walk. This time gives me the space to catch my breath and think about the day ahead. My day at work consists of researching ingredients and dreaming up new formulations.

I’m about to launch an online store so we are getting everything ready for that and are in the midst of building a new blend studio. The evenings are a balance of getting the kids to bed and doing a little bit of work. A ritual for me at the end of the day is applying the Multi-Vitamin Body Oil and hopping into bed. 

What inspired the start of your business?
As a facialist, I had done skin treatments on my clients for many years and noticed the benefits of using pure, plant-based skincare. I felt there was a shift away from mass market beauty and a move towards more honest, handcrafted product. I combined my existing knowledge of skincare with a lot of in depth research and decided to create my own personal formulations. 
What are the core principles of your work?
At its core, Maryse is clean and authentic skincare, providing everyday essentials across all seasons to optimise healthy skin. The words 'thoughtful' and 'pure' seem to fit this. 
What's your biggest challenge right now, personally, professionally?
I guess right now it’s work/life balance. I have two small children, so at the moment trying to look after them and finding the space to research and formulate new products is my main challenge.  

What's your favourite go-to when you feel tired, run down or stressed?
I try to incorporate simple rituals into my day to reset my mind and body, whether it's a gentle walk or some time to listen to a podcast about mindful awareness from Tara Brach. Failing that, a Negroni, a face mask, and a good book always help.  

The best piece of advice you've been given?
Don’t second guess yourself and trust your intuition. No one really knows what they’re doing anyway. 

Your top three favourite products and why?
  1. I love the Mineral Tints because they’re a natural pop of colour and you can apply just a little bit to give your complexion a subtle boost.
  2. I also use the Mineral Dew everyday as a highlighter, and it always gives me a luminous look no matter how tired I’m feeling.
  3. I love the hair texturiser from Botaniq called Maris Sal Mist. It plumps up my fine hair and smells really good.  
Tips and tricks to share about your range?
What music are you listening to?
  • Menneskekollektivet by Lost Girls
  • Pieces of Africa by Kronos Quartet
  • I’m revisiting Arthur Russell and John Cale too.

Thank-you Maryse for your thoughtful responses, they brightened our day and we even got to learn a thing or two! 

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