Musings on Love
*Beautiful image courtesy of Maryse
Dear friends
Our Store Manager Amber, shares her musings on love with us. Amber is passionate about helping people to evolve in a way that supports a sustainable loving future. She deeply values the art of healing touch, listening and holistic supporting our wellbeing.
We are very lucky to be able to share her wisdom with you.
With Valentine's coming up, it’s a good time to ask ourselves what is getting in the way of love in my life and how do I love being loved and how can I love more?
Praise, affirmation, gifts, reciprocity, and catching bids for affection can feel great. It's most likely we need to share with those around us what makes us feel heard, understood and connected. And for us to lean into their ways too and practicing hearing each others good intentions when it things go awry. Lots of of compassion and forgiveness, clear communication, honesty and acts of trust can repair tender times.
More often, we are so loved, but we don’t see all quiet service, care and consideration that are offered to us - if you’re focusing on what’s deficient or wrong, it can be easy to miss what’s beautiful and available to us right before our very eyes.
*Image supplied by - Rituals by Amber
Resentment, fear, unmet needs, past hurts and wrongs can get in the way of feeling loved, worthy and loving….is there a difficult conversation you could broach or something you are ready to forgive because you recognise it’s hurting more to hold on than to let go? Forgiveness doesn’t condone what has happened, it cuts the cord that binds us to a time that was possibly painful and humiliating and returns that enmeshed life force to us to continue to create a life we love.
Perhaps it’s time that you make amends for something you did that you know wasn’t serving you or those around you.
Having a big cry, a loving animal, a best friend and nature time can help us feel into our most vulnerable spaces and release past tension that allows us to see fresh possibilities with soft eyes and gently step forward into a new way of being that expresses a more authentic self, ready to emerge.
We hope that regardless of what has or hasn’t yet happened, you feel how much you are loved simply by being you and can extend more love, forgiveness and joy to those in your life this month. One thing to be sure of: this whole dream ends, and sometimes, it ends more quickly than we can ever expect, so love fiercely & forgive as much as you can to stay free.
With love
The girls at Tea and Tonic x